
What to muse about today?

March 28, 2016 ~ The Day Before A Full Hand


Almost five


This one.  She’s turning five tomorrow.  A full hand.  For a while, she was nervous, scared even, about turning five.  It was a new number, she’d never been five before.  Eventually, she decided she was excited, and only a little nervous about it.  She is always a bit tentative about new things, even fun and exciting new things.  Still a very big snuggler, thankfully.  If at all possible, I really don’t want her to grow out of that.

She’s finally understood that she’ll always be my baby, even though she’s not a baby any more.  There may be a bit of baby fat there, but she’s not a baby.

She’s a sensitive soul, quick to feel big feelings.  One day she’s asking when I’m going to die.  (Nice, kid.  Just because you don’t like quiet time). Two days later she’s crying because she doesn’t want me to die, because I make the best sandwiches.  (I’ll take that, food is love).  She’ll cry if an animal is hurt in a show, or if someone is mean to someone else.  Watching Star Wars with her was an experience, as was Toy Story 2 (and Toy Story 3, and …)

She can count to 1,114 (just ask Stu!) and loves getting math questions right, though she thinks she doesn’t know how to do math. Frustration comes quickly to her, but can easily be banished with a few encouraging words.

I’m very much enjoying watching this little person develop and grow.

I love my peanut.

1 First Year - Ashlin5573231750_2b32df1a10

See also:


May 19, 2015 ~ Six? Six!

Joy of Cake

My baby turned six today.  I’m not quite sure how that happened.  But it did.

She’s turned into such a sweet and loving little girl.  Big girl.  One who is easily distracted by ants, but will give you her last piece of candy or french fry if she thinks you need it.  Or a petal from a flower, just because.  She’s a girl who is eager for approval and is almost always happy to get, or give, anyone a hug.  (We will need to talk to her about this, but not yet.  There’s still time for all those hugs.)

I worry sometimes about how sweet and sensitive she is.  How this could be a weakness, a frailty to be taken advantage of by people who just aren’t kind. I worry that her classmates in future years will be cruel to her because she wants to give the bus driver a flower.  Because she’s nice to someone they don’t believe is worth it.  This will be another thing that we put off, for fear of damaging that naïeve sweetness.  Eventually, she will need to toughen up, buttercup, and learn how to protect herself.

This past year has been a bit rocky, with lots of assessments, and screenings, and meetings, and appointments.  Finally, we have something that is helping Teagan be more Teagan, more focused, more there.  And more sweet.  It doesn’t help with everything, but hopefully, it will allow her to be able to help herself, something that was beyond her young abilities.

She’s become a world class snuggler.  I love that.

And I love her freckles.  And green eyes.  And smile.

Happy birthday to my lovely little big girl.  I can’t believe how far you’ve come.

More: Five.  Four.  Three.  Two.  One.  New.


May 1, 2015 ~ Get Up And Dance With Me!

Heading Out

Tonight Stu took Teagan to their first Father-Daughter dance.  Our school allows the Kindy kids to attend.  So sweet.

The PTA was able to get some students from a local salon to provide free up-do’s for the girls, if they wanted.  Teagan wasn’t sure about it, but decided she did want “fancy hair” and we went over.  She asked for twists, like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz had, but with a pony tail in the back, not on the sides.  I don’t think the stylist we were assigned to really knew how to do Dorothy Twists, but she did something that made Teagan happy.  With a little extra curl to the back.  Teagan asked if I could try to curl her hair too.  We’ll see, I said.  I’ve never had a curling iron.

Ash was very disappointed that she couldn’t go.  That is, once she woke up from the nap she refuses to admit she needs, and realized that she really wasn’t going to be able to go.

Stu had no idea what to expect.  He’s not from the US so is unfamiliar with the entire school system.  I did suggest he wear a tie.

They had a great time.  Teagan was well behaved (Yay!), introduced him to her classmates and the older girls she knew.  Stu said the DJ was probably very popular in the older-second-or-third-wedding circles, some of the music choices were a bit dated.  Dated enough to get the fifth graders to storm out for not playing Uptown Funk or some other requests.

He did play some slow songs, and Teagan and Stu danced.  He spun her, which was the best thing ever.  He bent over and danced at her height.  He picked her up and danced with her at his.  She loved it.

Teagan came home with at least fifty glow necklaces.  They said that she had more, but Stu made them into bracelets that she then traded with the older girls for swag for her classmates.  She didn’t hesitate to walk up to the “cool kids” and show them her bracelets and then offer to trade with them.  They allowed her to join their circle for a bit.  I really wish I could have seen that!  My kid is so awesome.  The smile on her face as she was telling me she traded the bracelets for balloons and leis was just wonderful.

I really can’t wait to be able to chaperone.



May 8, 2014 ~ Kindergarten? Already?

Obligatory Kindergarten Registration Picture

So. This happened today.

Kindergarten Registration.

I’m not sure when she got this big.

But she is, as much as I may not [want to] believe it.  So off we went.

Our school system had late registration this year.  All the prospective students parents were sent packages and given appointments.  Everyone went to one school for evaluation and a parent orientation.  After they collected the thousand forms in the office, the kids went with teachers to the library while the parents were sent to a meeting room.

We were told that they were evaluating the kids – colors, shapes, letters, numbers, writing, coloring, cutting.  A few powerpoint slides on the school and programs, a flyer for the Daisies, a few questions and answers and we got to go wait for Tea to come out of her session.

They said she did great.  She said she wrote her name and colored and got bubbles.  She thanked one of the teachers.

Sitting in the office

We now have to figure out if we want her to go to the “integrated day” program or the standard “contemporary” program.  Growing up, I participated in a program similar to the integrated day, with First and Second graders in one class.  I’m not sure if I was before first grade, kindergarten is very blurry.  I do know that when my family moved, to a school without combined classes, I had a very difficult time adjusting.  The teacher wasn’t very nice or understanding, and I spent a lot of time out in the hall.  I would hate that to happen to our little girl.

She may not be cut out for the ID program, temperament-wise, but she could flourish there.  It’s so hard to know, to see the future.  Stu and I will read up, see if we can get into a classroom observation, chat with my sis, the school psychologist…  We will do our best to make the best decision for her.

I do think she should do the Daisies though.  (Daisies – not Pixies, like I remember).  She really likes learning about things – even if she thinks she always knows the right answer – and this may be a good chance for her to learn and to participate in group activities.

My baby is growing up.  Though she still looks so small sitting in the principal’s office


March 28, 2014 ~ One Day Shy


Brand New


Deep Thoughts



#goof in a #easter #bonnet


At the party


So fast!  How can she be three?  Well, one day shy of three.  Crazy.


March 22, 2014 ~ Sleep & Fun

nap time

Nap Time

So last night went pretty well.  She woke up once before midnight asking to color, but was persuaded easily enough to go back to bed.  She woke when I opened the door to check on her – the light from the hall shines on her face now.  We may need to rethink that.

She ended up sleeping through the night, until she fell out of bed around 4:30.  Not too bad for a first night.

She napped well this morning.  So well that we ended up being late for her friend’s birthday party because I didn’t want to wake her.  Ash is always a out of sorts when you do wake her, timid, clingy.

Although the ride down gave her some time, it wasn’t quite enough.  And there were a few people already there, so she was a bit shy at first, but soon enough warmed up.  They had a hippity-hop.

And cake.  Delicious cake.



By the time we had to leave, she was talking to just about everyone.  Not quite the social butterfly that Teagan can be, but definitely more outgoing than on arrival.

But the party tired her out.  I put her down for a second nap – yay! – and again, she slept hard.  I needed to wake her up.  Again.

It’s still a bit too early, but so far, she’s been happy about her grown-up room.


March 21, 2014 ~ So Big

Someone’s Head is Going to Explode

Today we took the side off Ashlin’s crib.  She had been climbing out for months now, though without much frequency.  That is, until this week.  Also, she’s only just figured out how to open her door by herself.  Up until then, her sister would let her out so they could color in Teagan’s room.

There really isn’t a problem with her climbing out, other than that she doesn’t stay in her room.  If we’re lucky, she goes into Teagan’s room for a bit.  But this week, every morning, she was in our room.  She would climb in bed and snuggle, (which is nice!), sit on the floor and read, (there are still some books on the floor where she settled in), then endless demands for downstairs and bananas.

So, decided to take the side off before she broke her bed, or maybe hurt herself.  To make room for her to have better access to her books, we pushed the twin beds together and off to the side, blocking the second closet, and put the crib in the corner.  I also got a small table and chairs so she could color in her room if she wanted. Or invite her sister in.

Left Room for the Glider

I wanted to keep the  glider, she still likes being rocked before bed, if only for a few moments.  She needs to keep a little bit of the baby…  Just for a little bit longer.

We hadn’t told her we would be doing this today, all the pieces fell together for it to be done.  We took the girls out for a burger, told her there was a surprise waiting for her at home.  When she saw her new room, her face lit up, and she didn’t know where to look first, what to touch first.

As we were rocking before bed tonight, (gotta keep that glider!), she told me she really likes this new place.

She’s been quiet up there.

So far.

Fingers crossed she’s a good, big girl, in the morning!

Happy Big Girl


June 7, 2013

2013 06 bouncy castle

Always with the tongue out

Last weekend was very busy and lots of fun!  A party on Saturday followed by Sunday afternoon at an amusement park.  Ashlin, our little peanut, had a big weekend, too.  Especially for her.

Saturday, she came to the party too, and finally overcame her fear of the bounce house.  Well, as long as there weren’t too many big kids and I went in with her.  With me sitting inside, her courage grew and grew.  She had so much fun that she didn’t want to get out.

The lure of cake (it’s still Happy Guthrie cake, hah!) finally convinced her though.

2013 06 bouncy castle

mmmmm… cake

Without thinking, Stu and I put them in a chair together.  Oops.  We put them in on the wrong sides, they were banging elbows and just generally getting in each other’s way

2013 06 bouncy castle

Wrong side

It was better once we switched them around.

2013 06 bouncy castle


After the cake, Ashlin went back in the bouncy castle, and had more fun.  It was almost like watching her grow as she bounced.  At least her personality.

Sunday was amusement park day.  Ashlin was game for everything – the motorcycles (more please), the flying elephants (more!), the swings (again!), carousel (bunny, again?), balloon ride (all done), pirate ship (whatever), and caterpillar train (more!).  The only thing that really scared her was the pirate show.  I was really proud of how well she did on all the rides.  There was only one that she didn’t want to go on again, the balloon one, and that may have been because she was sitting across from Stu instead of next to him.

The pirate ship she was just a few inches too short, but they let her ride with her big sister.  And Teagan was very protective of her.  Teagan was amazing too, she had no fear at all.  Teagan wanted to go on everything, no second thoughts.  The pirate ship that scared her so much they had to stop the ride last year was old hat for her.  She sat on every seat of that ride – inside, middle and end.  The roller coaster, that she only did once last year, she got off and ran to get back on line to go again.




Hands up!


Flying Elephants


Drum love

Such a good weekend, so much fun!


May 17, 2013


Teagan’s Selfie

Today we had our first parent teacher conferences. Day Care let me schedule both girls back to back at drop off. It worked out perfectly! After the seemingly endless hugs and kisses the girls ran off for breakfast – they had pineapple! – and we settled into (big) chairs at a table behind a divider.

Other than a few blips, both conferences went well. Teagan knows her letters, shapes, numbers, can write her name. Usually. She needs to want to do it, to focus on it, but often loses her focus. More often than not at day care, there’s something to pull her attention away. She loves to color, do art. Her pictures are detailed and creative – she even included her freckles when she did a self-portrait. A possible solution to her bad nap time behavior may be to have her color after she gets bored reading books to herself. Her teachers say she’s very smart, but easily distracted. Teagan was the first of her classmates to complete a sequencing project, (a rainbow!), and asked if she could color it in. She’s outgoing and quick to make friends. My sweet baby.


Weaving a web

Ashlin is much like her sister, outgoing and empathetic. She’ll hug everyone as they come in, and as they leave. She made some parents feel better about dropping off their kids as she ran up to hug the crying children, trying to make them feel welcomed. Ashlin is also very smart, knows all her colors, most of the letters and can count to 11 (which she pronounces “luvyoo”). She’s the youngest in the class, and also the smallest, but is right up there with the rest of the kids in her class. Outside, she’ll run laps with them, and although she falls behind, she never gives up but keeps plugging along. Although she’s a little peanut, she has no problem being physical with her classmates. I’m sure the nightly half-naked wrestling matches with her sister at bedtime prepped her to roughhouse with her classmates. The teachers would like her to be a bit more interested in potty training. We’ll do what we can there :D

All in all, good things. We learned a bit about each girl, saw how others see them, how they interact with their teachers and their classmates.

In preparation for Teagan’s 4th birthday, we bought her bed last night. She’s getting too big too fast. They delivered it this morning! Crazy fast! We’ll be swapping out her crib mattress for the full tomorrow, once we get the toddler bed frame converted. She doesn’t know yet…

Also, they both love the “Hamster Dance” song. Save me.


October 18, 2012


Can I lick it?

Look at her!  She’s so big, yet look so small in the dentist chair.  Both girls had a trip to the dentist yesterday.  Teagan did great!  She didn’t understand at first why she couldn’t play with the drills and tools and and spit sink.  For days, maybe a week, she’d been telling her friends at day care that she was going to the dentist.  I wish I had that type of enthusiasm and joy about a dental visit!  LOL!


18 – 19 – 20! 20 teeth! Muahahahahaha

Teagan let the dentist count her teeth, look around, clean a few spots off.  The coating flavor Teagan picked was raspberry, and she sat still while the dentist applied the goo.  I’m not sure if her favorite part was the chair reclining all the way down, the fish tank, or her treat from the treasure box for being a good girl – Teagan picked one of those magic writer toys where you draw on the board and then pull up the clear plastic sheet to erase the drawing.  Magic!

Ashlin, on the other hand, didn’t do quite as well as her sister.  She was grumpy!  She sat on my lap while crying.  The dentist was still able to get a peek at her teeth.  Confirmed what the doctor said the day before, that all four eye teeth are coming in.  Seems that Ashlin can’t do anything half way, but overachieves.  Four eye teeth are a very good reason she’s still not sleeping well.

Anyway, no cavities for either girl, though Ashlin has a bit of build up on her lower teeth, but nothing to be concerned about.  She didn’t like her sealant treatment, and also didn’t get a lollipop to finish the treatment.  We left with two challenges.  The first being that we need to brush Ashlin’s teeth a bit better, a bit more often.  Yes, we (I) slack sometimes, she fights it so much, some nights it’s nice to have a bedtime routine that doesn’t involve crying.  Secondly, Teagan needs to learn how to spit, something we’ve been trying to make her stop doing (!), so she can move up to fluoride toothpaste.  How do you explain that something is ok sometimes but not ok at others?



Does she look concerned?