
What to muse about today?

June 12, 2013

This morning’s ride to day care was fun!

Gotta love it.  Stu taught her a song that his dad taught him.  And then she adapted it!  My goof.

Ashlin wanted in on the singing too!

ABC’s are still her favorite song.  She dreams about the ABC’s, it’s her first request.  Yesterday when Stu asked her what she sang at day care, she bellowed ABC’s.  When asked if she sang anything else, she offered up ABC’s.  He asked if they sang BINGO, nope, ABC’s.  Wheels on the Bus?  Nope.  ABC’s.  Itsy Bitsy Spider (which she likes too) was also met with a nope!  ABC’s.

They’re both silly girls.

Cheese and peppers!!!


February 20, 2013



Look what we did!  Finally.  After almost three years, I found a third curtain rod and we put it up. And put up the heavy drapes from the old house.

Finding a matching rod – metal Shepard’s crook – was not easy, as it’s been discontinued. But I found one, at a Lowe’s store somewhere in Massachusetts and they shipped it to me.  I have curtains for the other windows, but haven’t put them up, thanks to the babies.  With the cold just oozing through that french door, I thought it might be worth the potential risk of destruction.  The girls, so far, haven’t even noticed it.  It may help that their kitchen is right in front:


Yes, the Valentine’s decorations are still up

We had a busy weekend and then a lovely President’s Day.  Aunt NayNay come out for the afternoon!  The girls were ecstatic when she got here, jumping and shouting when the door opened.  NayNay got a sofa snuggle fest, hugs, kisses and huzzahs.  Ashlin read her a book:

I’m so happy I was able to capture Ashlin telling the story!  Every time I tried to tape it when I had her on my lap, she would just stare at the camera.  It was a little spooky.

Teagan played dolls and games with her.


NayNay and nieces

It was a good day.

Last night I started the hat for Stu.  I’ll post that once there’s a bit more than a coaster :)


October 6, 2011 ~ Puppy, Pumpkin Chomp Chomp

LaLa and PopPop sent Teagan a book for Halloween.  It had her picture in it.  She loved it:

I think we need to get a pumpkin this year :)


August 18, 2011 ~ ABC

Teagan sings the ABC’s, or her version of them.  So cute!!

She does have a tendency to make up words when she sings… She’s also fascinated with my new iPad.


June 29, 2011

Cookie Monster

Image by nickstone333 via Flickr

We got Teagan telling the story of Cookie Monster and his nose on video!  Yay!  Love the way she demonstrates how he ate it.  And her saying blueberries, and fruit…  And counting! 1, 2, 3, 4… 8!


Shame on me for falling asleep before posting this.  I had it mostly set up, but then saved the draft :o


June 15, 2011

I finally got Ashlin to share her happy coos and chatter on video today.  She usually will stop when the camera is out.  Of course.  The second I put it away, she starts back up again.  Maybe it’s because she can’t see my face, my eyes?  Could be.  She does seem to focus on the camera instead.  Anyway.  I tricked her into cooing while I got it recorded.  I propped the camera up on the floor while she was on her play mat.  Yay!


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June 8, 2011

It’s hot.  It’s going to be hot again tomorrow.  Stu said he’d put the air on tomorrow.  Yay!

Maybe it’s the heat, maybe there are still some postpartum hormones running rampant, maybe I’m just too tired.  Things moved me.  Things that I think would normally not bother me, got to me.

This moved me.  I’m not really a Meredith Viera fan, but I do think she’s funny and can make people reveal things that they didn’t necessarily want to, but this really got to me.  So many people loved her and wanted to honor her in such a big way on her last day.  I will miss her.  I find it heartwarming that she could make such an impact on so many people, and in such a short time – she was only on the show for five years. One can only wish to have this sort of impact on the people in our lives.

I also found this today:


Sometimes there is crying in baseball.

Maybe I’m turning into a big softie.

Then I read this, and got very mad.  It’s crazy that a school is asking this type of question on an enrollment form.  It’s not any of their business.  Then I got thinking about my two daughters.  (It still feels weird saying that).  Is Ashlin going to be considered at a disadvantage because of my uterine problems?  Do I owe her an apology because of the  nature of her birth?  Will Teagan have a biological advantage because she was a “natural” birth?  Am I now worrying about nothing?

Oh, I know I am.  I sat and listened to Ashlin chatter away – like Teagan never did* – and the worries and concerns melted away.  She’a so quick to smile.  Problems seem smaller when she does.


* Teagan used to coo and make noises, but she was a very quiet baby compared to Ashlin.  Ashlin never seems to be quiet, awake or asleep, with the majority of her noises being happy and totally cute.


May 31, 2011

2011 0529 – Peacock

Yes, she is singing the Katie Perry song.


We went to the zoo!!

Teagan had a great time.  The bear took a bath, the alligator would chomp.  The tigers grorrrrrwwww!!  She wanted to tickle the River Otters, chase the free-roaming peacocks and turkeys.

The ducks were a big hit.  As were the monkeys.  I think the prairie dogs confused her, as did the bison.  The loved the frogs.


Once we gave Ashlin a pacifier, she was pretty unhpased by the whole thing.  She had a good nap!

The double stroller worked great!  Teagan was in the front, so she could see.  Ashlin got to nap in the back.

Yeah, I forgot her hat.

Next time, I’ll bring two hats, more water and snacks.  And two pacifiers.


May 27, 2011

052711 – Roll Over!

Lookie what my little peanut did!  Maybe turn the sound down.  Way down.  Ashlin was very frustrated with her tummy time when this happened.  Am I a bad mom for letting her get so worked up?  Maybe.  But she actually rolled  herself over.  If she hadn’t been able to do it, I would have picked her up. I could see that she was right there, just moments away from success.  Sometimes you need to let them get frustrated for them to actually achieve, to push themselves.

It was hard letting her cry, but was so happy with her achievement.  She did it!!


Pouty Teagan

Pouty Teagan

Today Teagan sang her “clap clap, no nap” song to the instructor at day care.  She did not want to go down for the afternoon nap, like all the other toddlers.  The instructor said that she’s very “I’m a big girl now, not a baby,” so after something like 30 minutes, she told Teagan that big girls don’t need to be held to fall asleep.  Teagan went and lay on her cot, ramrod straight and pouty.  She pouted until she fell asleep.  LOL!


May 19, 2011

Happy Cake!

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!

Teagan had happy cake today!  I brought cupcakes to day care to celebrate her birthday.

Around 2:00, after nap time I went to the day care with cupcakes – happy cake – for all the toddlers, with extras for the instructors.  Teagan was so happy when I showed up.  “My mommy!” she screamed happily, “Aclin, sista.” Every instructor needed to know that I was her mom and her little sister was there too!  So cute.

After she showed us off, it was snack time.  Three kids sat down, the fourth didn’t want to.  Paper towels were put down as napkins and the cupcakes were handed out.  Teagan wolfed down the first one, and asked, so nicely for a second.  I let her have it.  At the time, I thought “why not?  It’s her birthday.”  I ended up regretting it, as she melted down into a teary mess as I got ready to leave.

After a bit, Teagan needed a diaper change, and I took advantage of her being occupied, sneaking running out, apologizing to the instructor as I did.  I always feel bad leaving her crying with the instructors.  They’re probably used to it, and I’m sure Teagan stops quickly enough after we leave – out of sight out of mind.  Still, I felt horrible.  All I had wanted was to make the afternoon special, and she ended up crying and being unhappy.



After Stu picked Teagan up from day care on his way home from work, we went for a walk.  Our first walk all week, thanks to the rain.  Teagan asked for flowers – daddy-lions raaarrrrrr – which we picked for her when they were by the sidewalk.  She loves blowing the seeds.

I can’t believe she’s two.  She’s so proud of being two – she told everyone at day care how old she was.  But she’s growing too fast.  I always joked with my friends that they needed to put their sweet little kiddos in a box so they wouldn’t grow, so they’d stay small and sweet.  I want to put my beautiful princess in a box.  But I also want to watch her grow up, experience new things, remind me of things I forgot.