
What to muse about today?

November 26, 2014 ~ Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

IMG_7149.JPG Snow! We made it. The drive was so pretty. We had no real issues, no worries. Once we got here, there were a few flashbacks from our trip to PA from a few years ago when we couldn’t make it up a hill, thanks to the snow. I need to get new tires on the Jetta. Maybe some studded snows… I wonder if they are legal in CT… Hum…. Anyway…. we’re here and all in one piece.

Hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving!


January 3, 2013

Last sunset sky of 2012

Last sunset of 2012

It feels so weird to type 2013!  I haven’t needed to write it before now either.  Crazy to think we’re in the new year already.  Last year really feels like it flew by, a blink of an sleep-deprived eye.

Our New Year’s was a bit of a mixed bag.  On the one hand it was great fun with friends, delicious food, fun games.  Good times.  On the other hand, it sucked, as Stu had to back out of our out of town plans and work.  At first, he was going to follow me and the girls up, but the necessary work took longer than he thought.  It was like before we got married, with him stuck over in the UK and me over here.  We got to text a little and I did call him at midnight, but still.  Not the New Year’s Eve we planned on.

Teagan got almost 1,000 points in her dance. #wii #justdance

Teagan got almost 1,000 points in her dance

I do have to say the girls were wonderful, and my friends helped a lot with one girl when I needed to be with the other.  They both slept pretty well, until around 5:45, which was awesome after a 2am bedtime for me!  Then the fun started.  One needed to go to the bathroom, the other didn’t want to go, but didn’t want to stay alone.   One wanted to play with a doll house, the other wanted to bang on the windows.  It was so hard to keep them quiet.  I do think we did wake some of the sleeping friends up. :(  We had a TV in the room, but finding something that both of them would like wasn’t easy.  Not at all.  We eventually settled on PBS and some weird kid show, instead of FOX News or TBS or something similar.  I guess the talking cats or tigers or bears or whatever seemed interesting enough for them.

Ashlin didn't like the song. Lol #wii #justdance

Ashlin didn’t like the song. LOL!

Once people started getting up, we went downstairs, and the girls were off!  Breakfast, milk, books, potty.  They were pretty well behaved though.  When the rest of the kids were up, the Wii got pulled out and the dance party began!  Both girls started dancing along, wanting to actually play, but at first were happy enough just dancing along with the big kids.  Eventually, Teagan was given a wi-mote and they put on that One Direction song.  It wasn’t an easy dance, with four dancers, but she knows the song, and that helps a bit.  She did pretty good, considering she didn’t know what she was doing.  Got almost a thousand points her first go!  She did NOT want to give up the remote.  After a bit it was Ashlin’s turn.  She just liked hitting the buttons and would exit the dance and go to the home screen.  LOL!

The drive home was pretty good too.  Teagan did not need to go to the bathroom, Ashlin didn’t throw up.  Bonus!  I found a kids music show – Elizabeth Mitchell doing Woodie Guthrie songs – on Sirius, and both girls were enthralled.  I’m going to need to find some more Woodie Guthrie songs.  Playing the Riding in my Car song to them this morning, they both started clapping along and rocking to the beat.  Ashlin even repeated “cahhh, caahhh” almost in the right places :)

Next year, New Year’s will be different.  Well, I won’t trust that Stu will be able to follow…  I really missed him.

PS.  DIY projects will follow, Christmas presents, treats, etc can all be shared with a much larger audience.  Though, last night, I started a blanket.  For me.  Well, for the living room…

Next #crochet #project - an #afghan for me!  #crazy #brick #stitch with super soft #redheart #yarn

Crazy Stitch or Brick Stitch…


April 8, 2012

So today, we had an Easter egg hunt…

An Easter egg dump…

A hiding bunny…

Some yoga…

And some fire watching…

Oh, some handstands…

And a bit more crying than we’d like…

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. :)

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April 7, 2012

Today Teagan colored easter eggs for the first time. It was almost fun. Well, parts were fun. Actually, most of it was fun. She was so excited when she saw all the colors. She was amazed when the eggs changed colors.

I have to stop and remember that she doesn’t know about things… Why you shouldn’t bang the eggs together, or bend the holders, or eat the wax crayon. Some times I assume she’s a little person that’s been around, not one that’s brand new. In a way, she does still have that new car smell. I need to remember that more often.

She really enjoyed it, and she did slow down a bit, not being the total dervish that she normally is.

She didn’t quite understand why she shouldn’t put her fingers in the cups of color… She has some Easter egg colored fingers now.

And the dye took much, much longer than I remember. Longer than a pre-schooler can be expected to wait. You can see her willing the egg to turn pink.

I’m sure that when I was a kid, the eggs picked up color a lot faster! Or are those just rose colored glasses?


Our eggs did turn out ok, after all. And a little wax isn’t going to hurt her.

I am looking forward to next year, when we may be a bit more artistic with our eggs.

She’s looking forward to having more deviled eggs too.


January 1, 2012 ~ Happy New Ears!

Happy New Year’s!  Or as Teagan says, “Happy New Ears!”  Just as her “Happy Holidays” greeting sounds more like “Happy Dollah Days,” her new year’s wish sounds like you get a new pair of ears on the turn of the year.  She is looking forward to her new ears.  She told us so.   So cute.

Happy New Year!!

It’s been a busy few days.  What with setting the stove on fire, teeth that still aren’t through – oh, please let them come through soon! – and then not quite crawling, but still going backwards, and topped with traveling with two babies to ring in the  new year with friends.  I just want to sleep.

And more so, as Ashlin decided to join us for the midnight toast and kiss.  Those two bottom teeth better get here soon!  I don’t know how many more nights I, (and Stu too!) can take of her not sleeping.

She did say  mama, so the year still started off well :)

PS.  Updated Teagan’s Quips for the new year!


November 24, 2011


Happy thanksgiving!!

We came in last night, left after dinner. Put the girls in pajamas and headed out over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house. Worked out fantastically. There wasn’t any traffic and the girls both slept.

Yeah, they were up a bit once we got here, but Teagan went down easy enough after an hour of LaLa, PopPop and NayNay.

Ashlin was another story. She did NOT want to go back to sleep. Ugh. Eventually I took her upstairs and we both fell asleep on the bed. Moved her once I woke up with my arm and back killing me.

BTW, she loves breakfast casserole. With sausage.

Turkey is in the oven and we’re all lounging around in pj’s. Being super lazy after getting everything ready to cook and the girls are BOTH napping.

Love. This.

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October 31, 2011


This one loved trick or treating. Halloween was a success for her.



This one probably has croup. Halloween was helpful to her, being out in the cold.

More later when there is more sleep and a happier baby.


July 2, 2011

We went to see some fireworks last night.  Started the evening with a picnic dinner on the grass.  Teagan really enjoyed it, she got to triple and quadruple dip her carrots in the veggie dip.  Stu and I decided that it was her dip.  LOL!

There was music too, and Teagan just couldn’t sit still.  She wanted to dance!  It was hard to get her to slow down enough to eat dinner.

She had a blast listening to the Military band play march songs.  They even played Menomena!  After the band was over, there was a DJ before.

She was so tired by the time the DJ came on (she didn’t nap at day care, but fell asleep in the car on the way over, so we waited about 30 minutes before heading out to let her sleep!) that she was down to a polite golf clap:

I wish the fireworks had started earlier, she was so tired.  At first she was scared.  “No dada!” for the first blast.  “All dun!” along with a frantic sign for emphasis at the second boom.  But at the third one, “Twinkle stars!!”

She loved them!  “Boom boom boom!”

“Bang bang!”


Honey, I wish I could make them shoot off some more.  Maybe tomorrow.

Ashlin was awake (!) for quite a bit.  She fell asleep before the fireworks started, woke up during them and cried a bit for the last few launches.  Sleep returned as soon as the booms stopped.

Getting Sleepy

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May 8, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

What better Mother’s Day present could I have gotten? My beautiful princess.


April 19, 2011 ~ Floating Eggs

Floating Easter Eggs

One of the things I was able to get accomplished last week was to make Easter Eggs for Teagan’s mobile.  I got this clip mobile, around Thanksgiving, to hang off the hook that Teagan had over her dresser.  Since then I’ve been making seasonal decorations to hang off the hooks.  I’ve done leaves, Christmas decorations, hearts, Shamrocks, and now Easter Eggs.

Teagan is always excited when I change out the decorations. I do it when she’s out, so it’s always a surprise.  I took advantage of Ashlin sleeping last Monday to do the eggs, as well as some flowers for after Easter.  Shame I didn’t go hunting for a rabbit.  She would have loved a hop-hop in there.

Eh, it’s not too late…