
What to muse about today?

So you know…


Random musings on day to day happenings in an ordinary crazy life (now that there is a preschooler and a toddler!).  A bit of crafting, a bit of yarn, maybe some cooking, maybe some funny stories about the kids…

I never considered myself an interesting (far far away from extraordinary) writer…  Hopefully I can express myself, explain my thoughts well enough that anyone who reads this blog is not bored out of their mind.


4 responses to “So you know…

  1. Hi,
    Thank you for writing a lovely blog. I have nominated you for “The Very Inspiring Blogger” award. You are under no obligation to accept at all and there is no need to tell me your decision. If you wish to accept, the rules are in my post here:

    A new award!

    Have a lovely day, Avis x

  2. ryndice says:

    You have made me laugh! Thank you. :) Our kids are all older now (22, 20,18 & 16) & I really miss little ones. Someday I am going to have a blast being a Grandma. Your stories about your girls have made me realize again how much I learned from seeing the world through my kids eyes. I had one boy that could not go anywhere without gathering acorns and rocks and pine cones. I found a lot of them in the dryer when they would start clanking around. Our only girl was a willful “I do it mine own self” two year-old and is not much different at twenty.

    I have an entire steamer trunk full of fabric and yarn and paper. I told myself I had to stop going to the fabric store and garage sales. The only good thing about being unemployed now is that I am getting some time to make things again. I am learning to live life for me again. It is a whole new ball game after two decades of revolving around carpool and school projects, soccer and PTA. We chose poverty level living over new cars so I could be a SAHM and I do not regret it one bit. They are all confident, resourceful and well-adjusted young adults. Finding their way in the world and loving life.

    • lisasff says:

      Thank you! Your words mean a lot!

      There is something almost magical about little ones, Watching them learn new things, experience new things. Hearing their thoughts, enjoying their snuggles is so wonderful. Funny that they all have some of the same quirks – treasure hunting and such strong self-sufficiency! I need to be better about checking pockets for treasures and clothes for stray stickers. That gunk just doesn’t come off. Sigh.

      I am enjoying the fact that they’re getting a bit older, so I get a bit more “me” time, and can craft and stuff. I *just* bought a pair of knitting needles, and will see if I can teach myself to knit. Soon! I have to finish a few crochet projects first.

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