
What to muse about today?

What Are Words For? Ashlin’s Turn

Now it’s Ashlin’s turn.


                    1. Jump – she will start jumping up and down when you do the sign
                    2. Diaper – she will smile and stop kicking on the changing table
                    3. More – she claps instead of doing the more sign (Update 4/22 – she’s now doing a double fist thing instead of clapping, Update 5/1 – she now does one finger pointing into the palm, like Teagan did!)
                    4. All Done!
                    5. Milk (though she’s not consistent on this)
                    6. Thank you (also blowing kisses)
                    7. Eat
                    8. Please
                    9. Thank you
                    10. Book
                    11. Read
                    12. Bird
                    13. Rain
                    14. Puppy
                    15. fish
                    16. Chicken
                    17. horse
                    18. Duck
                    19. Piggy
                    20. Hat
                    21. ball
                    22. Squirrel
                    23. sleep
                    24. time
                    25. donkey
                    26. dirty
                    27. play
                    28. time
                    29. mouse
                    30. Teddy bear
                    31. orange


            1. Dada (though she does use this for everything)
            2. Mama! (finally! And she will mean me too!)
            3. Yeah
            4. Cheese (3/23/12)
            5. Yes (Yaass!!)
            6. Daddy!
            7. bye bye
            8. Uh oh!
            9. Bubble! Well, bubbah, but while pointing at the bubbles (5/28/12)
            10. Cracker (it’s close!)
            11. Sock
            12. Duck
            13. Book
            14. This
            15. Moo Moo! Baa Baa! Woof Woof! Who Who! (but only when reading the Very Busy Spider)
            16. Garbage (7/18/12)
            17. Apple
            18. Up
            19. Banana (nana!) (8/2/12)
            20. Teagan or titi
            21. Chalk
            22. More
            23. Milk
            24. Thank you
            25. Puppy (8/20/12)
            26. Color
            27. Play
            28. fish
            29. good (9/24/12)
            30. Coat
            31. purple
            32. Don’t touch
            33. Turtle
            34. No no!
            35. Eat
            36. Juice
            37. stairs
            38. apricot (though the “r” disappears when she says it)
            39. slipper
            40. blue’s clues
            41. Huzzah!
            42. Elmo
            43. Outside
            44. Squeak Squeak!! (when asked what a mouse says)
            45. block
            46. ball
            47. downstairs
            48. frog (‘ibbit! ‘ibbit!)
            49. pig (‘ick!)
            50. Ashlin do it!
            51. I all done! (all one word – Ialldun!)

I’m not sure if I’ll be updating this much any more, Ashlin is picking up words every day, and has been making three word sentences for at least a week or so now.  Her pronunciation is not wonderful, she sounds like she has a mouthful of marbles, but she’s very consistent with her sounds, and very insistent in her wordings.  Such a big girl.

2 responses to “What Are Words For? Ashlin’s Turn

  1. […] I started a page for Ashlin’s words.  Not that she’s actually using any now, but she does recognize a […]

  2. […] who does still nap at day care, is picking up a new word every day or so.  Today’s word, puppy.  She was using sidewalk chalk, when two dogs went by […]

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