
What to muse about today?

March 18, 2012

on March 18, 2012

This one loves the swing.  She cried when I took her out today.  We went back out twice, just to swing in the beautiful day.

Instead of talking about how her sister was a beast today.  And that she made me feel  like the worst parent ever for making her sit and eat potatoes, (yes, potatoes!), let’s talk about the awesome soda bread and Guiness stew I made today.

I had made some soda bread last year, but wasn’t happy with the recipe.  Hello google search.  Success was found on Simply Recipes.  This one was awesome! Easy and quick.  It also made a big loaf, so we can have some for breakfast tomorrow. I have a bunch of buttermilk, so I may make another loaf and freeze it.

As for the guiness stew, well, Google sent me to Simply Recipes again.  Not a bad recipe, easy enough for a beef stew.  Instead of adding the wine – I forgot about my wine cubes in the freezer – I doubled the guiness.  Well, porter.  I also used the Knorr condensed beef stock tubs for the first time.  They’re not bad.  I had used the chicken before in soups, and it was very nice, but never the beef.  Very glad I had some of the beef this time.  Also, if I use this recipe again, I may add an extra potato and  mash it up a bit, or do a quick rue, the broth was a bit thinner than I wanted.  Still, it turned out pretty good.  Three of the four people in the house liked it.

Not too bad of a weekend, if you don’t include last night  for one girl and tonight for the other.  If they keep it up, they may find themselves sold as monkey butlers.

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