
What to muse about today?

February 24, 2012

We’re six episodes into Lost Girl on Sci-Fi.  I’m enjoying it.  Sort of campy, not serious, little bit of sex.  It’s fun.

Tonight’s episode has cannibalism and hemorrhagic fever.  You know it’s going to be a fun time when there’s foot soup and bleeding eyeballs.  And a basilisk.  And bonus references to Narnia.

Previous episodes had Luck Eaters, a college sorority (the horror!), a love triangle, a Will ‘o the Wisp and an Oracle.  Kenzi, the human sidekick, is a walking animé character with a wry sense of humor.

The writing could be a bit tighter, and maybe a bit less cliché, but it’s better than a lot of shows on broadcast TV.  Grimm, for example, is a show I’m still watching, but I’m not quite sure why.  Maybe I’m too lazy to delete the program from the DVR…  Maybe I do enjoy the werewolf character – Monroe – just a little bit.  Maybe I’m hoping it gets better.

Anyway, I’m glad I found Lost Girl, and found room on the DVR for it.  I hope to enjoy the rest of the season as much as I have the first half.

Now for Stu and I to get caught up on The Walking Dead
