
What to muse about today?

January 09, 2007

on January 9, 2007


Flooding. So not fun. So not expected. Stu and I came home New Year’s Day to a very wet basement. <sigh> Totally my fault, as I had unplugged the sump pump in the basement to have the TV on during the summer. Wasn’t expecting so much rain with slightly frozen ground in December. December? Rain? We should have been getting snow. That’s another story though, a different complaint :)


So, into the basement to mop up the water, move the few boxes and things that aren’t in plastic, prop the rug up on empty cat litter boxes and milk crates, in the hopes of having it dry out and not needing to throw it out. <sigh> Not fun, but what would have taken hours and hours for me to do, took just a few, with Stu helping. He said he felt useless, but he was very helpful, moving tubs and things as I vacuumed the water up with the shop van. He also propped the rug.


I wish I had remembered that I had unplugged the sump pump (MY FAULT) to watch TV in the summer, and to do an exercise tape in the bigger room in the basement. I can’t doing any of the routines until the rug dries. After the holidays and all the food, I *need* to start doing them again. I want to fit into my dress, after all, even if we can’t have a date until the immigration paperwork goes through <sigh>


After he gets here, we’re going to need to re-seal the basement, thanks to all the damage. So not looking forward to all that work, that hassle, that smell…


Oh well. He’ll be here to help, so that’s good :)


PS. No idea why I can’t seem to make paragraph breaks. Weird.


PPS. They’re baaaaacccck!!



4 responses to “January 09, 2007

  1. EM says:

    Not so much useless as listless. If there's a job that really only one person can do, I'd rather be the one doing it, while you sit and eat bonbons. Just a silly thing like not letting you carry anything. :)

    Unless is something to do with flowers. Then you're on your own.

  2. Lisa_SFF says:


    I can't eat any more bonbons. I need to fit into my dress :)

  3. n. says:

    so whens the date, an ESTIMATE??

  4. Lisa_SFF says:

    Still no date yet… Still have fingers crossed for March, as January flies by <sigh>

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