
What to muse about today?

January 07, 2007

christmas present

Lovely Christmas present from Stu. So sweet. I don’t think I’ve taken it off since I put it on. Something to touch and make him seem closer when he feels so far away. Which he is, unfortunately. Hopefully soon, he won’t be so far away.

It would be nice for this whole process to be over with, so we can just go on with our lives, our life together. Sometimes it sucks trying to do things the right way. Don’t they understand that we don’t want to wait much longer? That neither of us seem to be able to sleep any more? What will this sleep deprivation do? I’m sure neither of us would go “postal,” but still. Don’t they understand that I actually want legal labor? I don’t want to have to pay someone to help me, I’d much rather have someone that might not be such a willing laborer, but who *wants* to be there.

Oh well. Maybe they’ll be nice and give us a belated Christmas present… maybe a King’s present?