
What to muse about today?

August 14, 2012 ~ corkscrew

Look who is using a spoon! And can almost load it herself!

Watching signing time yesterday, she tried to sing along with the alphabet song. She’d get a bit stuck, and G was her favorite letter. She now walks up to you, asking to be picked up, ” Up. Up. Up. Up.”. She also asks for books, ” book-a, book? Book.”. She’ll kick her feet and clap her hands when we read Barnyard Dance, put her finger in the holes eaten by the Hungry caterpillar. She will echo a moo, baa, and woof, will roar like a lion on request.

So much is changing, growing, becoming less baby. She has at least one new tooth, maybe a second lower molar.

She also was given an awesome hairdo at daycare, with four little piggy tails all over her head. My favorite one curled up into a lovely corkscrew. I hope her curls stay for a bit more!


August 14, 2012


Look who is down for her second night sleeping without a bubble. Yay! So proud of her. So never thought we’d actually get here.

She decided on Sunday morning that she was giving her bubbles to Ashlin. The first nap of the day did not go very well, she begged for it back. Eventually, she settles, though never slept. Second nap, we ended up getting it back, with much reluctance on our part.

We had a chat with her about needing to go through with what you say you are going to do, and with how big she is, and she really didn’t need her pacifier any more.

Yesterday, she decided that she was done, and gave her sister her bubbles again. And after a few false starts and some delay tactics, she went down, without her bubble. And stayed down.

When she woke up this morning, we didn’t make a big deal about her achievement. It was business as usual. After yelling to the neighborhood that she could see my underwear – I was getting dressed for work – Stu took them off to day care, and chatted with her on the way, promising chicken donuts if she made it the whole week. A dinner of nuggets isn’t too difficult of a reward.

We’re on night two. Tonight was easier. Fingers crossed!