
What to muse about today?

February 15, 2013


It’s a secret

Teagan brought home the secret Valentine’s Day heart yesterday. Yay. It’s so sparkly!  She has one of her better smiles on.  Awesome.  In person, you can see her best friend attempting to photo-bomb, which is an added bonus.


Ashlin’s Heart

Ashlin did some hearts too!  She didn’t get a Valentine Mailbox, but she did get a few Valentines.  Thanks to the snow, not everyone got out to get the littles valentines for their classmates.  Their parents probably didn’t realize that they participated too.


Ashlin loves me

Her doily heart says so.  Ashlin gets very focused on where she puts her stickers.


Valentine’s Day Art

Teagan also did a stamp painting with heart stamps.  I think it turned out pretty good!



Valentine’s Mailbox

This is Teagan’s Valentine’s mailbox.  She came home with a bunch of cards, and some candy too.  One of her treats was a small packet of conversation hearts.  I joked with her that my favorites were the yellow ones, and that she was lucky she didn’t have any yellow ones for me to steal.  She was horrified at first, that I would take a piece of her candy, but she almost immediately offered me a piece.  I didn’t take her up, no need for her to miss out.


Mantel of Love

I got a lovely Valentine’s Day present, a grown-up present, from a special grown-up.  It was delayed a day, thanks to the snow.  But it showed up, and is very lovely.  Our mantel is close to overflowing with all the hearts and love.  I love it.


February 13, 2013 ~ it’s A Secret


After Teagan finished signing her valentines cards for day care, she joined Ashlin and I on the sofa for a lovely snuggle.. I like ending the day with a double snuggle.

Anyway, she told me that she knew there was a party at day care tomorrow for Valentines Day when i asked if she knew what tomorrow was. She also told me that they made hearts for us, but that it was a secret.

I love this girl.

I wonder what they did.

P.S. Ashlin “signed” her valentines day cards too,


February 13, 2013

Crochet heart garland

Heart Garland

Last night I was able to finish the heart garland I’ve been working on, here and there, over the past week or so.  Google image search found the pattern here.  I thought it would be a good use of some of the yarn stash, there was quite a bit of red left over from the angry birds.

The hearts work up pretty easily.  I’d do one here, one there.  The week of plague was not a good week for hook play, nor was all the snow.  Eventually I was able to get enough time to make about twenty.

I tried making them with both a magic ring and a chain, and found the chain looked better.  These hearts needed a little circle…  If I was making the hearts with one round, I’d use the magic ring instead.

The crochet chain was a bit tricky, a chain of 45 stitches isn’t easy to keep a consistent tension.  I would get about 3/4 of the way through the start of the chain and notice that the stitches were off, I wasn’t consistent.  The stitches on the top or between the hearts didn’t seem quite as important, foundational.  Still, even with redoing a bit here, a bit there, I was able to get all the hearts chained together.

I think it looks pretty good on the mantle…
Crochet heart garland

Crochet heart garland


Crochet heart garland


February 5, 2013


I guess I have enough hearts now to start the garland. It’s taken a bit to get this many though, thanks to the illness that swept through the house. First Ashlin on Friday, Teagan on Sunday morning, Stu Sunday night, me Monday morning. Me, still, though I felt well enough to make a few hearts tonight.

Hopefully it’s all done. All done, as Ashlin would cry while she was being sick. Begging it to be all done. Poor baby.

Sick babies aren’t any fun. Nor are sick parents of sick babies.

All done! Beeeze!!!!!


February 5, 2012

Teagan's Hand Print Heart

Today, I finished up some of the artwork Teagan and I started a few weeks ago.  While Stu and Teagan went to the grocery store, Ashlin and I went to Michael’s and Big Lots to find frames.  To put Teagan’s hearts in.  I made a set of these handprint hearts for LaLa, NayNay, and Nana and Auntie Em.  Two are now framed, and one picture, (sans frame), will soon be on it’s way across the ocean.

It sort of looks like a heart.


If you squint.

At two and a half, it’s not bad.

I need to finish up the other hand print hearts I started, and then get Ashlin’s feet done…  Then it’s on to Easter and Spring.  Tee hee hee!

Thumbprint tree

Oh, I also need to find time to do their hair-clip boards. I have the stuff now.  Teagan and I found the material yesterday, Ashlin and I found the frames today.

There’ll be time to do them.  Soon enough.

I’m waiting for the Budweiser hockey commercial to come on…  I hope I didn’t miss it while doing baths tonight.  Teagan was a bit needy – and very annoying! – this evening.


Poop.  I just went for a link for the commercial, and it’s not going to air here.  That sucks.  It’s an awesome, really-makes-you-feel-good, optimistic, warm and fuzzy commercial.  I wish they’d play it here.  Even though it is hockey.


January 07, 2007

christmas present

Lovely Christmas present from Stu. So sweet. I don’t think I’ve taken it off since I put it on. Something to touch and make him seem closer when he feels so far away. Which he is, unfortunately. Hopefully soon, he won’t be so far away.

It would be nice for this whole process to be over with, so we can just go on with our lives, our life together. Sometimes it sucks trying to do things the right way. Don’t they understand that we don’t want to wait much longer? That neither of us seem to be able to sleep any more? What will this sleep deprivation do? I’m sure neither of us would go “postal,” but still. Don’t they understand that I actually want legal labor? I don’t want to have to pay someone to help me, I’d much rather have someone that might not be such a willing laborer, but who *wants* to be there.

Oh well. Maybe they’ll be nice and give us a belated Christmas present… maybe a King’s present?