
What to muse about today?

March 1, 2010

Another in what seems like a series of TMI entries… 

So, today was another sad day.  A follow-up to the umteenth ultrasound to check for retained tissue.  Two  weeks ago, they thought it was just endometrium.  No such luck it seems.  Last week, the follow-up showed that it was retained placental tissue with blood flow.  A bit more serious.  So, another round of Methergine to see if we can contract it out.  Doctor said that today would be a good follow-up to see if it worked.  Well, it seems that it didn’t.  There seems to be more tissue and now a corpus luteal cyst that wasn’t there last week.

I love that the Doctor who I met with after the scan is my “Bad News Doctor.”  He’s the one who gave me all my bad news when I was pregnant with Teagan.  He really is a nice guy though, very sweet demenor.

So, one last scan on Wednesday and if that still shows stuff, then off to the Women’s Center to have it aspirated out.  (It won’t be a D&C, it will be an aspiration, thankfully).  One full day off of work and then taking it easy afterwards.  Someone to drive me home and take care of me. (I’m not concerned about this last bit :) )

25 days ago, I wanted to avoid a medical procedure.  Today, I wish I had done it just to have this all over with. 

I’m tired of this whole process.  I want it to be over.  I want to not be broken any more. 



PS.  While waiting for the doctor after the scan, I started bleeding quite heavily.  Told the doc, and he said “good” and that we’ll see what the scan shows Wednesday.


December 30, 2009

She’s pulling on her ears again.  It snuck up on us, I think as much as two days ago.  Even before she finished her second round of antibiotics.  Today,  not even 24 hours after her last dose, she was tugging away.  On. both. ears. <sigh> 

I’ll be calling the doctor tomorrow to see if we can get her in and have her ears checked.  I’m going to do all I can, if she does have another infection, to get her on something other than Augmentin.  She’s just getting over the torture now.  She initially balks at the vitamin D in the morning.  Once she realizes that it’s not the Augmentin, she’s fine and sucks it out of the dropper.  Just like she used to.  Same thing with the Motrin.  She used to love just about everything we gave her – vitamin D, Tylenol (both flavors), Motrin, even the Amoxicillin.

Now, she doesn’t trust us.  We are slowing wining back her trust, which is good though.

I hope her ears are ok, and this is just teething now.


PS.  She’s curling her tongue all the time now! :)


December 27, 2009

This thing is a life-saver!  OMG.  It’s been horrible giving Teagan her twice daily dose of Augmentin.  She clamps her mouth shut, turns her head and waves her arms.  Stu has been helping hold her down while I shove the syringe in her mouth and towards her cheek, push some drug in and blow on her face.   I’m sure it’s a lot like waterboarding. 

One good thing is that I’ve been pushing the medicine that’s been oozing from her mouth back in with a pacifier.  She’s been fine with sucking away on that – with the Augmentin on it. 

So we thought something along the lines of a bottle might be good, but didn’t want to dose her with milk or anything.  I also thought today that the syringe might be bothering her cheek or gums.

We finally found one dispenser today, and it worked a charm!  I added a little water to her dose, and the piglet had no problems!  Yay!  Now that we only have two more doses, they should be much more pleasant than the past 15.

I love solutions with no tears.  All around.

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December 22, 2009

Sometimes I wish that people would offer up information.  Like that you can flavor icky tasting drugs.  Go figure.  I never knew that!  Neither the doctor nor the pharmacist even suggested the idea, which I find surprising, as they treat little kids, and fill little kids prescriptions all the time.  

Teagan cries now when she has to take her Augmentin.  She use to muddle along, closing her mouth and turning her head.  Now she slams her mouth shut, whips that head around and cries.  Horribly.  Last night and this mornings doses got mixed with just under an ounce of breast milk.  She did take them, but really it’s not the best way to give her medication.  Someone on-line suggested flavoring the Augmentin.  Great idea!  I wish someone had mentioned it when I got the medication the first time. 

I called the pharmacy to see if they would add in the flavoring to the bottle I had but they wouldn’t.  They needed a new prescription.  I called the doctor – I’d do anything for the piglet! – and had them call in a new prescription.  Pharmacist said that I would need to pay again, which, honestly, is fine.  I’d rather pay for another prescription than force my kid to take something that obviously she really dislikes. 

The other things that I wish someone had mentioned was that Augmentin is a total poop maker.  diarrhea is very common while taking it.  Yay.  Like we need more poop coming out of Princess Poopy-Pants.  Also, it messes with their stomaches and they don’t eat as much.  Granted this was printed on the paper from the pharmacy, but it’s similar to EVERY. OTHER. drug warning, I completely ignored it.  I had to find out about these two lovely bits from day care (stopped in to pay for the week and drop off cards for the teachers) and Kris.  Thank goodness they mentioned both.  I thought it was odd that the piglet had stopped wanting to eat, although her nursing has gone up.  The diaper thing, well, apparent enough.

On a side, I do have to say, that this is probably the first thing that she’s shown such a strong dislike for.  I hope that this isn’t the start of her not wanting/liking her medications…  I hope that I don’t need to medicate her too much.

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