
What to muse about today?

December 30, 2009

on December 30, 2009

She’s pulling on her ears again.  It snuck up on us, I think as much as two days ago.  Even before she finished her second round of antibiotics.  Today,  not even 24 hours after her last dose, she was tugging away.  On. both. ears. <sigh> 

I’ll be calling the doctor tomorrow to see if we can get her in and have her ears checked.  I’m going to do all I can, if she does have another infection, to get her on something other than Augmentin.  She’s just getting over the torture now.  She initially balks at the vitamin D in the morning.  Once she realizes that it’s not the Augmentin, she’s fine and sucks it out of the dropper.  Just like she used to.  Same thing with the Motrin.  She used to love just about everything we gave her – vitamin D, Tylenol (both flavors), Motrin, even the Amoxicillin.

Now, she doesn’t trust us.  We are slowing wining back her trust, which is good though.

I hope her ears are ok, and this is just teething now.


PS.  She’s curling her tongue all the time now! :)

2 responses to “December 30, 2009

  1. lisasff says:

    12/31: Annette R* commented on your note “December 30, 2009”:

    “oh, that stinks! ;o(”

    Yeah, it would have. Thankfully, the doctor said that her ears looked great!

    She’s still pulling on her ears though… I do hope it’s because of teething and not an ear infection that I went too early to catch.

  2. lisasff says:

    12/31: Kat O*S*W* commented on your note “December 30, 2009”:

    “poor baby… ”


    Kat, thanks! She’s still doing ok… we really don’t want to have to do Augmentin again!

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