
What to muse about today?

July 5, 2013

on July 5, 2013

Yesterday was a pretty good day.  We went and flew kites.

Flying #kites

Flying #kites

This time, Ashlin wanted to fly one, the blue one, for a bit. She had fun! Teagan was very good with her kite, like last time at my aunt’s house, though we couldn’t get them together and up fast enough. Patience isn’t one of her strong suits. Yet. We’re working on that.

Angry bird #kites


Ashlin did really well. She flew her kite for at least 10 minutes before she decided that she needed to do something else and went off to kick a ball. Or play in the road, which we kept asking her not to do. Thankfully, it’s mostly a service road.

water break

water break

Friends met up with us and everyone had fun, flying a kite, kicking a ball, chasing after one another. Playing with rocks. Picking flowers.


I hailed the ice cream truck, and we all had some ice cream. Even Stu and I. They had some lemon lime Popsicle dot things. Very yummy. I feel that I’m not au courant with ice cream offerings. This shall be remedied toute de suite.

I think you have something on your face #dirt

Dirty Ashlin

Kids started breaking down after that, so we all went our separate ways.

Since they were filthy, we had them walk around the house and put them in the sprinkler.  There was no way I was going to let that into the house.  Yikes.  Stu got the homemade sprinkler out and hooked it up while I pushed them on the swings.



Fried Ashlin

As we stripped them down for water play, I realized my big mistake.  I had forgotten to lube them up with sunscreen before we went kite flying. They were a bit crispy.


Burnt Teagan


After a bit of water play, (Ashlin asked for the water table too), Ashlin went up for a nap, and Teagan was able to watch a movie. We were so hot we decided not to grill at all.  Take out McDonalds was the winner.  I ended up needing to wake Ashlin up when Stu got back.  (She was on her second two hour plus nap).  He came home with a Strawberry Lemonade for me. Such a sweet thought. And it was lovely, not too sweet. I made the mistake of giving the girls a taste, and they wanted more and more of. I need to learn not to share with them! At least if I want to eat or drink something.

We had gone for fireworks Friday night we felt no urgency to go again. We decided that we’d just go to the show on Saturday and put the girls to bed. Not much later, Stu and I see fireflies out in the back yard. Then we start hearing fireworks out the front. Not too surprising, one of our neighbors sells fireworks. So we expected a pretty normal back yard show. But this was different. It was amazing. I went and got Teagan. She was asleep, but I woke her up and brought her downstairs and gave her to Stu. Ashlin was awake with her eyes wide when I went to get her. Carried her down and we watched huge, professional fireworks just up the hill.

Amazing. Not sure how someone didn’t get in trouble for this show.

Teagan was sleepy, and the fireworks were loud, so she asked to go back to bed. Ashlin needed a break too, but she was too fascinated to actually stay inside. Her favorite were the purple yellow ones.

Teagan slept through them.


My crazy girl.

It was a good day!

12 responses to “July 5, 2013

  1. Riana says:

    Ana Ri commented on your link.

    RiAna wrote: “Awesome! Such sweet, fun girls!”

  2. Kathy W says:

    what a wonderful family day. Yep, the girls look like they have ‘farmer tans’. :-D The fireworks display was awesome. Our neighbors had quite a show as well, but not as pretty…just noisy….until around 11pm :-( I wish I could have slept through them like T!!! All in all our day was restful and Unproductive. :-)

    • lisasff says:

      Teagan insisted that she didn’t sleep through them yesterday. LOL! It didn’t matter that I had a picture of her sleeping. She was reading, she insisted. Heh.

      It was a lovely show. I’m really surprised that they didn’t get in trouble. A lot of them looked professional. We’re not supposed to have any type of “rocket.” Still, it was very cool having a show like that… and that it thankfully ended after 20 minutes or so. We had a bunch of neighbors that shot off some smaller fireworks – compared to that! – on and off for a few hours, but Ashlin seemed to sleep through them. Her room is on the front of the house, Teagan’s is on the back.

      Teagan is still suffering a bit from her farmer burn, but Ashlin is a little brown berry! With a funny tan. I’m going to need to pay a lot of attention when we go to the beach this year!

      • Kathy W says:

        Yeah, our community property was covered with ‘debris’ the next day….and that meant a lot of ‘rockets’ spent. It’s ‘illegal’ here too, but people do it anyway… What is aggravating is that they don’t take the time to clean up the mess. At least no injuries that I heard of nor fires started, thank God.
        Yes, be sure to sunscreen everyone at the beach ;-D

        • lisasff says:

          It would be nice if they cleaned up a bit, especially when they make a huge mess. But I guess the people that get the illegal stuff really don’t care much.

          Teagan is peeling now. At first she was totally freaked out that he ENTIRE SKIN would come off, but we talked her down, and eventually she thought it was pretty cool. LOL!

          • Kathy W says:

            LOL I guess if she had never seen it happening, the skin coming off could be traumatic!! Glad you were able to ‘talk her down’. :-)

            • lisasff says:

              Yeah. It’s weird how many of these things we don’t really think about but really are kinda big. She thinks her peeling skin is super cool now! LOL!

  3. Stu says:

    “Our neighbours are doing something illegal in their yard” isn’t usually as cool.

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