
What to muse about today?

December 21, 2011

on December 21, 2011

The stockings were hung

The girls are trying to kill me. And almost succeeded.   I’ve been sick.  Since Monday.  Or more that Monday started with that tickle in the back of my throat and a sniffly nose.  That feeling that you get and hope that if you get enough sleep, enough Airborne, you may just escape.   I went to bed early (like that was hard), hoping against hope that I wouldn’t get sick, but no luck.  The girls are thorough.

I woke Tuesday knowing that I hadn’t escaped.  Throat had that lovely broken glass mixed with gravel feel to it.  Nose was stuffed full of snot.  Awesome.  I supposed I should be sort of happy, that it took until this week to succumb to all the germs that they’re just crawling with.  They have been oozing some sort of icky body fluid for the past few weeks, maybe since Halloween, when they had back to back episodes of croup.   Well, one each, but both girls.

Not quite there

Yesterday was not fun.  I was sick and Ashlin was home.  I suppose if I had enough presence of mind to think, even a little, I would have sent her into day care, and swapped her days.  But I wasn’t thinking.  I just wanted to sleep.  Ashlin, on the other hand, wanted to play, to move.  She got so close to getting on all fours and rocking.  But she’s not quite there.  I think we’ll be seeing her move come by New Year’s.  I did get two short naps in while she napped in the bouncer.

And, of course, I couldn’t take anything to make me feel better.  With all the supply issues I’ve had this time, I couldn’t take any chances.  Yay to feeling crummy in order to nurse longer.

Today was better.  Both girls were in day care, so I got to relax a bit.  And nap, for more than 20 minutes at a time.  And after the afternoon nap, I feel almost ok, just some remnant sniffles.

When the girls got home, I made a batch of salt dough and we did Teagan’s hands, and then Ashlin’s hands (yay!) and feet.  They turned out pretty good!

Ashlin's Foot

Ashlin's Hand

Teagan's Hand

I don’t know if I’ll get more decorations up or not…  I still have to do a little more shopping, and then wrap.  Yikes.

4 responses to “December 21, 2011

  1. Hope you feel better by the weekend! Youre a good mom. What do you do with dough once they make their imprints–just let it dry or do you bake it? And what dough recipe do you use?

  2. lisasff says:

    Thanks!! I can tell the cold is going away, so hope to be better by Friday! I’m optimistic!

    I used the recipe from this site: http://www.bystephanielynn.com/2010/11/salt-dough-hand-print-ornament-by.html and baked them for about an hour at 170 F. They probably could go in for a bit more, they still seem a bit “soft.”

    I think I’ll end up hanging these on the wall, instead of on the tree. They seem a bit heavy.

  3. Lori says:

    Lori G* commented on your post.

    Lori wrote: “Ohhhhh, major bummer. I hope it passes quickly. And those ornaments are so precious! They would look so pretty in a shadowbox frame for the wall.”

    • lisasff says:

      Thanks Lori! It’s better this morning, so should be gone soon enough. Just a bit more than annoying now.

      Shadowbox? That’s an idea. Thanks!

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