
What to muse about today?

January 3, 2011

I am so proud of myself!  I was focused today!  I accomplished things!  I got through all the videos during lunch.  Yay me!  You should be able to see a bunch of them on Flickr, but not everything was “small” enough, so I also uploaded to my channel on You Tube (http://www.youtube.com/user/LisaSFF).  You should be able to see (a few of) them listed in the sidebar -> over there, on the right.

I’ll be working my way through the pictures as quickly as I can.

Today was rough – first day back into the routine after just about two weeks of vacation.  We made it though!  I’ll be going to bed early tonight, I really wanted there to be a nap time at work.  I wonder if that could be something they would add in?  Hum….

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