
What to muse about today?

December 28, 2012

Cover of the cassette edition of Nicol William...

Stu and I went to the movies today.  We both had vacation days, the kids were in day care, so went to a matinee showing of The Hobbit.  It was a challenge to find a showing that started early enough for us to be able to pick the girls up on time.  It’s a very long film.  Surprisingly, no theaters had any morning showings.  The nearby 3D Imax didn’t have a showing that worked, but we had one 2D showing that did.    We had hoped to go see The Hobbit while we were at my parents for Christmas, but that didn’t work out.  Again, very long movie with no morning showings!

It was pretty good!  Long, with bits that weren’t in the book, but it was good.  An Unexpected Journey.  With dwarves singing.  Some of the “filler” bits were from other stories written by Tolkien, some weren’t.  Some made sense, some were foreshadowing for the Lord of the Rings, some were just nice.  Radagast with bird poo down the side of his face?  Well, that I don’t remember, but I do remember about him and birds.

There were some nice nods to the Lord of the Rings Trillogy in the Hobbit.  I’m looking forward to the next two installments, though I do need to study up on the dwarves.  I could only pull out three or four, though I can’t remember the name of the one in the hat. In the meantime, I may need to pull out my leather bound version, or maybe the unabridged audio…


June 12, 2012

Lord of the Rings minifig poster (Photo credit: marvelousRoland)

Lord of the Rings Lego

OMG!  Why is Teagan too young to play with these?????


I wonder if I could get some now and hide them away until she’s old enough?  Or interested in more than just “her stories” by Disney?

The sets look fantastic.  Gollum (with his fish!) is too cool, the Uruk-hai are mean looking, and the Dark Riders are pretty scary.  And, ugh, you can get a Shelob set.

And they have a cave troll!

Great! They have a Cave Troll!