
What to muse about today?

March 20, 2006

on March 20, 2006

Yay!  Nine days!

Ok.  I’ve changed the theme again, as this is called “Spring” and I have crocuses and snow drops up.  The daffodils are getting taller and taller.  They haven’t bent yet, so they aren’t ready to open, but by next week, I’m sure they will be.  The spirea is getting buds, so the view from the kitchen window will be just lovely – white and yellow daffodils with white baby’s breath type flowers in the tree.  <sigh>  I love spring!

6 responses to “March 20, 2006

  1. unknown says:

    Yay Spring YAy EVERYTHING!!!! :))!!!!!

  2. Lisa_SFF says:

    Yes. Yay! Everything. It is a good day :)

    Though don't you have daffodils already?

  3. EM says:

    Yay Spring and Yay for nine days!

    (But the blue text on the green back makes baby Jesus cry. So no yay there.)

  4. Lisa_SFF says:


    Fixed. That's what I get for not being "in costume" while composing an entry.

  5. EM says:

    Yes, next time, try dressing as a crocus.

    Method blogging is the future.

  6. Lisa_SFF says:

    Yeah yeah yeah.

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